
New: Profhilo Body!

By February 21, 2022 February 24th, 2022 No Comments

New: Profhilo Body!

Do you get annoyed by your weak upper arms, loose skin of your belly or parts of your body? Then the Profhilo®️ Body might be the right treatment for you. In our clinic in Amsterdam it is one of our most popular treatments at the moment.

Profhilo®️ Body is an anti-aging treatment with a large amount of pure hyaluronic acid, without chemical additives, specially developed for skin slackening of the body. The effect of Profhilo®️ Body is due to the fact that the production of collagen (firmness) and elastin (stretchability) is stimulated. The skin becomes firmer, healthier and resilient.

An important advantage is that with Profhilo®️ Body can rejuvenate the skin without adding volume. The skin is actually restored, skin sagging is treated with a 100% natural treatment of hyaluronic acid.

Which indications can you treat with Profhilo®️ Body?
The treatment is suitable for skin sagging on the inside of the upper arms, knees and the abdominal region.
Check our instagram for one of our posts about profhilo body:

What’s new about Profhilo®️ Body?
Profhilo®️ won the Aesthetics Awards in 2016 for the most innovative treatment because it concerns a completely new action of hyaluronic acid with very specific benefits. Hyaluronic acid is a natural product, there is a small chance of side effects. Profhilo®️ Body is the new panacea from IBSA that has been available on the European market since October 2021. Profhilo Body has been specially developed for skin sagging other than the face/neck region for which Profhilo is known. It therefore has a different composition than the Profhilo®️. A pack of Profhilo®️ Body consists of a 3 ml pre-filled syringe, consisting of 48 mg high and 48 mg low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

With this extension of the Profhilo®️ line, IBSA offers effective treatments for both the face and the body.

How does the treatment work?
This treatment uses the BAP technique, ie injections in 10 anatomically sophisticated areas that ensure an optimal result. Profhilo®️ Body spreads around the injection points resulting in a small number of injections being needed to treat an entire problem area. Treatment is fast, difficult and the risk of side effects is very small. A course of on average 2-3 treatments with an interval of 30 days is given. Follow-up treatments can be arranged if necessary. During a consulation with one of our practitioners, a tailor-made treatment plan will be drawn up. After the treatment you will also receive a nice cream with support.

For who is this treatment suitable?
For everyone from about 30 years old who wants to prevent skin sagging. The treatment can be combined with any other treatments. Ask your practitioner about the options.